

The season of Winter officially begins on December 21st and it runs until 20th March, here in the UK. It is the coldest season, where we expect it to be cold and to see frost, snow and ice. It can also still be dark when we wake up and the sun will set around 4pm.

There really are learning opportunities to be had in every single thing that we do and by understanding the seasons, it helps us to know what the weather might be like, how should we dress for different types of weather. We can also understand repeating patterns and resources that encourage us to identify the weather each day are part of that. With that in mind we can also study the animals we typically associate with this time of year. Look at our Countryside Animals Bundle or animals which hibernate for example.

As long as we wrap up warm, there is no reason not to spend time outside exploring the countryside – the flora and fauna, or building snowmen in the garden and having snowball fights (so much fun).

The months of December, January, February and March include lots of events that we can build learning activities around, such as Christmas, January has the Big Garden Birdwatch and February has pancake day to name a few which are pretty big.

So, take a look, expand your mind and perhaps you just might find that perfect piece of inspiration.

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